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PressReader bevat ruim 7.000 kranten en duizenden populaire tijdschriften uit meer dan 150 landen en in 60 talen. Hieronder bevinden zich kwaliteitskranten, zoals de The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, Le Figaro, The Washington Post en De Standaard. Deze databank biedt niet alleen toegang tot de meest recente edities, maar bevat ook een archief van alle kranten tot 90 dagen terug. De kranten en tijdschriften worden gepresenteerd in originele opmaak.


Library PressDisplay contains more than 7,000 newspapers and popular magazines from more than 100 countries in 60 languages. In this collection, leading newspapers are included, such as The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, Le Figaro, The Washington Post. This database provides access to not only to the most recent editions, but also contains an archive of all newspapers from up to 90 days ago. The complete newspapers and magazines are presented in their original formats.
